Jet Protect Immune Packs

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Reg: $59.00
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When your body is feeling stressed - or under the weather- Take Jet Protect for immune boosting support. Perfect while flying or on holiday to boost your immunity.

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-rick-matador-run-w-ball-200.jpgMY DAUGHTER MADE ME DO IT
I'd been using a similar combination of herbs and vitamins to stay well for years. Word got out and letters came asking for an immunity product.  Then my daughter said that she got sick during her mid-term exams - I asked her why. It was the first year that she didn't take my herbal formula to stay well. That was enough to make me launch this product.

My daughter continues to take Jet Protect daily. With the Covid crisis this product is more important than ever before. It's doctor recommended, with an anti-viral defense formula and is supportive of overall immune health.

Stay safe & well –  Rick Dinihanian

Anti-viral Support for Colds, Flu & Airline Travel

Jet Protect contains 20 single serving packets. Each packet contains 4 pills:

  • Viral Defense Formula
  • Protect + Attack Formula 
  • Jet Immune Power Formula  

For Supporting the Body During Viral Illness, Colds & Flu
Use the entire container. Take two packets immediately at the onset of symptoms, then take one packet every 2 hours while awake.

As an Anti-Viral Immunity Booster:
For wellness support during the Covid crisis:
Take 2 to 3 packets daily.

For Air Travel Protection:
For immunity support from airborne illness spread in tightly enclosed spaces or airline cabins.
Take 4 packets on your day of travel:  

  1. One Packet the morning of your travel day.
  2. A second packet while you are traveling.
  3. A third packet upon arrival.
  4. A fourth packet prior to bed or with dinner.
  5. We recommend taking an additional packet with breakfast the day after travel.

Please see the "Other Details" tab for additional product information, and the photo scroll bar for supplement facts.

Premium quality: Jet Protect is made in the USA and meets or exceeds cGMP Quality Standards.

A healthy immune system is the first defense against illness

Write A Review
  • Jet Pack   5

    I’ve been taking Jet Pack - since Covid - with every plane trip/vacation/holiday and zero cold/flu symptoms/illness! Signed, a devoted follower…

    -Brent Thomas on Sep 8th 2024

  • Enormous Thank You!   5

    I received my Jet Protect lifeline back in March. It turns out I likely had Covid19, but I swear that these miracle vitamins helped me heal more quickly. I now have a large backup supply and use them every day to stay well. Thank you!!!

    -Rachael on Aug 24th 2020

  • Knocked out my cold (90%)   5

    I used Jet Protect the first day I'd been feeling like a cold was coming on. My doctor had recommended it. After 2 days my symptoms were almost gone and I recovered really quick. I plan on always having this on hand. It works.

    -Sally J on Feb 10th 2019

  • Love this for air travel   5

    I fly frequently and have always had challenges staying healthy until I found Jet Protect. I highly recommend it, I've not gotten sick traveling since taking it on all my flights. Thanks B&BB. – RH

    -RH on Feb 10th 2019

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Directions:: Take a complete pill packet with water, with or without food.
Air Travel Protection:: Take 4 packets on your day of travel. One packet the morning of your travel day. A second packet while you are traveling. A third packet upon arrival. Take your forth packet prior to bed. We also recommend taking a packet with breakfast the day after
Cold & Flu Health:: Take two packets immediately upon onset of symptoms, then take one packet every two hours while awake. (You will use the entire container.)
Anti-Viral Immunity: To boost immunity when under stress or focused athletic activities, take one to two packets daily.
Highlights: The pills are in single serving packets. Easy to take to your desk or to travel with.
Servings:: 20 convenient single serving packets
FDA Disclaimer:: The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Cautions:: Keep out of reach of children. Consult your licensed healthcare provider before use. Not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women.
Storage:: Store in a cool dry place.
Quality:: Jet Protect is made in the USA. It meets or exceeds cGMP quality standards.
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