Food Shopping Tips

Shop Smart



  • Raw organic almonds and other nuts except peanuts
  • Gluten-free oatmeal, brown rice & buckwheat cereals
  • Turkey, chicken and lean sources of protein
  • Organic free-range eggs
  • Wild Salmon  & white fish
  • Protein Lean Power Food
  • Hormone-free, grass fed beef
  • Olive & flaxseed oils
  • Avocados
  • All kinds of berries in season
  • Broccoli, cauliflower brussel sprouts and dark leafy green vegetables
  • Gluten free grains like quinoa, brown rice, amaranth & millet


Although it is usually more expensive, organic produce is much healthier and has more nutrients than non-organic produce. Ideally all produce should be fresh, ripe and in season. Look for a local farmer’s market or consider mail-ordering organic food if there is none in your area. Bring home an entire rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables if your eating guidelines allow for them.

Buy only organic and/or free-range, hormone and antibiotic-free meats whenever possible. Lean meat is always healthiest. If it is not available then trim off all excess fat before cooking.

Poultry and Eggs
Poultry and eggs are best organic and/or free-range, hormone and antibiotic-free. Eggs labeled as “High Omega 3” and free roaming are especially healthy.

Buy only smaller varieties of cold water, non-farm-raised fish. Fish should smell a bit like the sea, but fresh. It should not smell bad. Avoid shellfish and scavenger-type seafood.

Buy Whole Fresh Foods
Read labels carefully and look for foods with fewer ingredients. Fresh food is healthier than packaged, frozen or canned foods. Always buy fresh first. If you do by packaged foods, always check for the expiration dates on the labels.


Non-Domestic Produce
Non-domestic produce is usually out of season for our climate, picked unripe so it can ship easily, heavily sprayed and lacking the nutrients you’ll get with local organic produce.

Ground Meat
A patty of ground meat can contain body parts from up to 80 cattle whose health is unknown. That package of ground meat started collecting bacteria on all of its surfaces as soon as it was ground. Have your butcher grind it fresh for you, or do it yourself. Or better, stick with whole meat cuts.

Frozen Poultry
Most frozen poultry is packaged by poultry processors who use hormones to maximize bird size and growth rate and must use antibiotics to prevent disease. The hormones and antibiotics remain in the bird and are passed into your body when you eat them.

Deceptive Labeling
The word “natural” does not always mean healthy or safe.


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